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Again crusading snowy night is spent in a wind furnace winds Lian Yu space and light system space sandwiched between the original light winds and thunder line space line space because it is a violent explosion blew up, so space and light winds led to the Department of space completely connected together. That violent explosion, it is the soul of the weak force Ray to third grade level of God, but God Nine forced to absorb beyond the peak level of energy Tiens stroke caused by thunder dragon, dragon head lion body coach outlet tail state of soul energy ray soul body completely blown into fragments and energy debris scattered across a huge space in the space and light winds through the Department of space.Tiens thunder dragon residual stroke awareness is difficult to put mine soul fragments and debris around the energy absorbed back, it wants to mine the soul of the reorganization energy body. But the wind took snowy night, but at this point in space, coach outlet let the yin and yang picture- style white fish and green jade gold titanium blade wind soul leave coach outlet body fight the dragon thunder Tiens last remaining conscious only surrounded by isolation, it can not continue to absorb part of it back to the original spirit of mine debris and energy debris. The wind took snowy night himself is sitting in space, to run the twelfth heavy -handed tactics Eater, all mine soul fragments and energy in the first moment of existence engulfed the entire space into acupuncture points coach outlet space.

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