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Carter, Yuan Shu will appear behind a sturdy frame, handheldJuhan, what men generals Yuan Shu Ji Ling. Ji Ling contemptuous glance looks pale and gentle Zhao, he rushed up the horse. In fact, Ji Ling is not so unbearable, although Ji Ling Zhao had not rivals, but the spirit of the martial arts discipline is absolutely one of the best, under normal circumstances, would never support a move could not, it was Zhao scraped dismount. Mainly Ji Ling underestimate the enemy, Zhao little older, a little frail in appearance, coupled with Zhao is still a little fame are not, therefore, Zhao Ji Ling did not mind as the opponent, and its strength, even half did not play.After Ji Ling sacked, Yuan Shao Yan Liang quietly came around, whispered, although a move on the pitch separation of the outcome, but a move that erupted Zhao momentum, let Yan Liang instinctively felt the danger. How sunglasses uk compared ? burberry bags Yuan Shao Wei Zhou brow, whispered. It should be comparable to Yan Liang somewhat uncertain. Coupled with Wen Chou it, how many strokes to win the enemy will ? Yan Liang sound very light, do not have much clout. Yuan Shao nodded and looked across the tense military reincarnation, looked behind the army, can not help but secretly sigh.

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