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Ray home Tianyi has seen biscuits shop closing time,ray ban sunglasses, because this time the business of biscuits are good, so every day biscuits are in short supply. Is somewhat abundant human hands, but fortunately Wang Kaiyuan and got two children helped make biscuits apprentice Ray old man, otherwise, Lei Shop cheap ghd biscuits limited supply of biscuits really necessary. However, although Ray Tianyi biscuits with filling in Lixian already played some fame, but for the entire population of tens of thousands of Lixian, daily sales share of three thousand biscuits or negligible.

But,Cheap ray bans Sunglasses, after all, the poor or more. To get these poor people have to buy mine penny a day was easily three biscuits with a filling, but not easy. How to expand biscuits market? If the biscuits market reaches a bottleneck, thunder days can easily fought in the restaurant. Ray Tianyi bed suddenly cropped up such an idea. Although free access to Lee House has a lot of people, such as some of the Lee government's long-term employment and retainers can be so. But to make this even only one person, and that is the greatest enemy of Lee Hyo son, Ray Tianyi Li Wenzhong before.

They guess was right,ray ban sunglasses australia, this thing really is Li Wenzhong dry. Originally, Li Wenzhong days since the last time because framed Ray Huang Yu Yi ending up being a lesson. Plus that of Wang Sibo was hit, thunder days is not easy to jail for that matter grudge Ray Tianyi, and recently saw Ray Tianyi biscuits shop so popular. Jealous, so they want a meter framed Ray -day transactions. Because Li Wenzhong Li Fuchu people originally, so Lee House is very familiar. See Lei biscuits shop early in the morning to send people to send biscuits Lee House, Li Wenzhong wanted attention in the middle of playing.


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