Sunday, December 1, 2013 uggs flqx

The beginning of uggs the liberation, women have not been able to completely get rid of the shackles of feudal ideology, with the body wrapped in layers of clothing, even bra, Le breasts go type, milk overflowing, lest nike air max joke. Later, the reform and opening up, thinking liven up. A woman can stand tall man, a woman and realized that good, so breast augmentation has become a fashion. Because men like plump woman, so a woman's breasts numerous known. The term biological terms, this is called artificial selection, big waves become popular sister, Pacific Princess will be eliminated by the society.

So, some people think that the future of the bra should be more than today's fee cloth waistcoat. But this does not agree nike air max 1 nike air max 90 with diametrically opposed views. There is a change we should be obvious to all, with the development of the times, updated ideas, women clothes is rapidly reduced, like gangbusters, even for a moment Grilled cleaners. First exposed arm until the armpit. Exposed thigh, until the thigh. Also exposed back, exposed navel, showing a return to the original trend.

Women 's clothing can now be said to be more than a bra on, Xiasheng pants, the pants are getting the quality and development. The designer will open its cut and cut, crotch face child by one, into a band children, soon to become a child of the line. It seems that the increase say how ridiculous bra. In this era of thrift, bra 's future will be in the direction towards the development of small and fine. First exposed ditch, then low-cut, finished on exposed semicircle, and then exposed under the semicircle. Although not afraid of the cold more afraid nike air max 90 shabby, but still have to pay attention nike air max 90 civilization, the center should be to protect the last, never dew point.


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